"بەڵگەدارکردنی ئەم مۆدیوولە دەکرێ لە مۆدیوول:affix/pseudo-loan/docدا دروست بکرێ"
local export = {}
local debug_force_cat = false -- set to true for testing
local m_affix = require("Module:affix")
local pseudo_loan_by_source = {
["ar"] = "Arabism",
["de"] = "Germanism",
["en"] = "anglicism",
["es"] = "Hispanism",
["fr"] = "Gallicism",
["it"] = "Italianism",
["ja"] = "Japonism",
["la"] = "Latinism",
local function get_pseudo_loan_text(lang, source, has_parts, nocap)
local langcode = lang:getCode()
local sourcecode = source:getCode()
local function glossary_pseudo_loan_link(display)
return "[[Appendix:Glossary#pseudo-loan|" .. display .. "]]"
local text
if langcode == "ja" and sourcecode == "en" then
local ja_link = require("Module:links").full_link({
term = "和製英語",
lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("ja"),
tr = "-"
}, "term")
text = "[[Appendix:Japanese glossary#wasei eigo|" .. (nocap and "w" or "W") .. "asei eigo]] (" .. ja_link .. "; " .. glossary_pseudo_loan_link("pseudo-anglicism") .. ")"
elseif pseudo_loan_by_source[sourcecode] then
text = glossary_pseudo_loan_link((nocap and "p" or "P") .. "seudo-" .. pseudo_loan_by_source[sourcecode])
text = glossary_pseudo_loan_link((nocap and "p" or "P") .. "seudo-loan") .. " from " .. source:getCanonicalName()
if has_parts then
text = text .. ", derived from "
return text
function export.show_pseudo_loan(data)
local parts_formatted = {}
local categories = {}
data.force_cat = data.force_cat or debug_force_cat
if not data.nocat then
table.insert(categories, "pseudo-loans from " .. data.source:getCanonicalName())
table.insert(categories, "terms derived from " .. data.source:getCanonicalName())
-- Make links out of all the parts
for i, part in ipairs(data.parts) do
part.part_lang = part.lang
-- When the part is in the source language, we need to use `source` so the part gets linked correctly. Otherwise,
-- `data.lang` will be used, which is correct, because the value is used as the destination language in
-- derived-from categories. An example is [[Ego-Shooter]], a German pseudo-loan from English but where the
-- first part is from Latin.
part.lang = part.lang or data.source
part.sc = part.sc or data.sc
table.insert(parts_formatted, m_affix.link_term(part, data))
local text_sections = {}
if not data.notext then
table.insert(text_sections, get_pseudo_loan_text(data.lang, data.source, #data.parts > 0, data.nocap))
table.insert(text_sections, m_affix.concat_parts(data.lang, parts_formatted, categories, data.nocat, data.sort_key,
data.lit, data.force_cat))
return table.concat(text_sections)
return export