مۆدیوول:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/enm

"بەڵگەدارکردنی ئەم مۆدیوولە دەکرێ لە مۆدیوول:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/enm/docدا دروست بکرێ"

local labels = {}

--------------------------------- General --------------------------------

labels["terms with /hl hn hr/"] = {
	description = "Already in Late Old English, but especially in the Middle English period, Old English {{IPAchar|/xl/|/xn/|/xr/}} ({{IPAchar|[l̥]|[n̥]|[r̥]}}, <hl hn hr>) gradually became {{IPAchar|/l/|/n/|/r/}}. Except for in the ''{{w|Ayenbite of Inwit}}'', these sounds (in Middle English {{IPAchar|/hl/|/hn/|/hr/}}, now spelt <lh nh rh> alongsides OE <hl hn hr>) are only found in Early Middle English.",
	parents = {"terms by phonemic property"},

--------------------------------- Noun --------------------------------

labels["weak nouns"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns that form their plural with the suffix \{\{m|enm|-en|id=noun plural\}\}, corresponding to the ''n''-stems of older Germanic languages. In Early Middle English, oblique singular cases may be also formed with this suffix.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "weak",

labels["z-stem nouns"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns that form their plural with the suffix \{\{m|enm|-re|id=noun plural\}\} (the original suffix), \{\{m|enm|-ren\}\}, or \{\{m|enm|-res\}\}, corresponding to the ''z''-stems of older Germanic languages.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "z stem",

labels["consonant stem nouns"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns that form their plural though [[umlaut]] of the root vowel, corresponding to the consonant-stems of older Germanic languages.",
	parents = {name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"},
	breadcrumb = "consonant stem",

labels["ns-stem nouns"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns ending in ''-nt'' that form their plural in ''-ns''/''-nz''. This pattern was borrowed from Old French, where the simplification of \{\{IPAchar|/t͡s/\}\} to \{\{IPAchar|/s/\}\} created such an alternation.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "ns stem",

labels["nouns with Greco-Latinate plurals"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns with plurals borrowed from Greek or Latin.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "Greco-Latinate",

labels["nouns with invariant plurals"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns with a plural identical to the singular, often originating from Old English neuter ''a''-stems.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "invariant",

labels["nouns with invariant genitives"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns with a genitive identical to the singular.",
	parents = {{name = "irregular", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "invariant",

labels["nouns with fricative alternations"] = {
	description = "Middle English nouns with alternations between \{\{IPAchar|/f/|/θ/|/s/|/x/\}\} (in the nominative singular) and \{\{IPAchar|/v/|/ð/|/z/|/∅/\}\} (in other cases) caused by the final devoicing, intervocalic voicing, and post-sonorant voicing of fricatives.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "weak"}},
	breadcrumb = "final devoicing",

--------------------------------- Verbs --------------------------------

labels["irregular weak verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[Appendix:Glossary#weak verb|weak verbs]] with irregular past tense or past participle.",
	parents = {{name = "irregular verbs", sort = "weak"}, {name = "weak verbs", sort = "irregular"}},
	breadcrumb = "weak",

labels["irregular strong verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[Appendix:Glossary#strong verb|strong verbs]] with unexpected consonantal alternations.",
	parents = {{name = "irregular verbs", sort = "strong"}, {name = "strong verbs", sort = "irregular"}},
	breadcrumb = "strong",

return {LABELS = labels}