مۆدیوول:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/es

"بەڵگەدارکردنی ئەم مۆدیوولە دەکرێ لە مۆدیوول:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/es/docدا دروست بکرێ"

local labels = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  VERBS                                  --
--                                                                         --

local conjugations = {
	["ar"] = "{{{langname}}} first conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin first conjugation verbs|first conjugation (-āre) verbs]]. See also the coordinate categories for [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -er|verbs ending in -er]] and [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -ir|verbs ending in -ir]].",
	["er"] = "{{{langname}}} second conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin second conjugation verbs|second conjugation (-ēre)]] or [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] verbs. See also the coordinate categories for [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -ar|verbs ending in -ar]] and [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -ir|verbs ending in -ir]].",
	["ir"] = "{{{langname}}} third conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] or [[:Category:Latin fourth conjugation verbs|fourth conjugation (-īre)]] verbs. See also the coordinate categories for [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -ar|verbs ending in -ar]] and [[:Category:Spanish verbs ending in -er|verbs ending in -er]].",

labels["verbs by conjugation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by conjugation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

for conj, conjdesc in pairs(conjugations) do
	labels["verbs ending in -" .. conj] = {
		description = conjdesc,
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs ending in {{m|es||-" .. conj .. "}}",
		parents = {
			{name = "verbs by conjugation", sort = conj},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|es||-" .. conj .. "}}",

labels["verbs by vowel alternation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of vowel alternation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

labels["verbs by consonant alternation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by type of consonant alternation.",
	parents = {"verbs by inflection type"},

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Spanish verbs with e-ie alternation]].
local vowel_alternations = {
	["e-i"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "i"},
	["e-í"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "í"},
	["e-ie"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "ie"},
	["e-ie-i"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "ie"},
		raising = "i",
	["e-ye"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "ye"},
	["e-ye-i"] = {
		stressed = {"e", "ye"},
		raising = "i",
	["i-í"] = {
		stressed = {"i", "í"},
	["i-ie"] = {
		stressed = {"i", "ie"},
	["o-hue"] = {
		stressed = {"u", "hue"},
	["o-ue"] = {
		stressed = {"o", "ue"},
	["o-ue-u"] = {
		stressed = {"o", "ue"},
		raising = "u",
	["u-ú"] = {
		stressed = {"u", "ú"},
	["u-ue"] = {
		stressed = {"u", "ue"},

for alt, obj in pairs(vowel_alternations) do
	local from, to = unpack(obj.stressed)
	local desc = "{{{langname}}} verbs whose root vowel changes from ''" .. from .. "'' to ''" .. to .. "'' when stressed"
	if obj.raising then
		desc = desc .. " and raises to ''" .. obj.raising .. "'' in certain other forms"
	desc = desc .. "."
	labels["verbs with " .. alt .. " alternation"] = {
		description = desc,
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs with {{m|es||" .. alt .. "}} alternation",
		parents = {{name = "verbs by vowel alternation", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|es||" .. alt .. "}}",

-- Add labels for e.g. [[Category:Spanish verbs with c-qu alternation]].
local consonant_alternations = {
	["c-ç"] = {"c", "ç"},
	["c-qu"] = {"qu", "c"},
	["c-z"] = {"c", "z"},
	["c-zc"] = {"c", "zc"},
	["g-gu"] = {"gu", "g"},
	["g-j"] = {"g", "j"},
	["gu-gü"] = {"gü", "gu"},

for alt, frontback in pairs(consonant_alternations) do
	local desc
	local front, back = unpack(frontback)
	desc = "{{{langname}}} verbs whose final consonant alternates between ''" .. front .. "'' before front vowels (''e'', ''i'') " ..
		"and ''" .. back .. "'' before back vowels (''a'', ''o'', ''u'')."
	labels["verbs with " .. alt .. " alternation"] = {
		description = desc,
		displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} verbs with {{m|es||" .. alt .. "}} alternation",
		parents = {{name = "verbs by consonant alternation", sort = alt}},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|es||" .. alt .. "}}",

labels["verbs with hard-soft alternation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs whose final consonant does not change in spelling but alternates in sound between hard and soft ''c''.",
	parents = {{name = "verbs by consonant alternation", sort = "hard-soft"}},
	breadcrumb = "hard-soft",

labels["third-person-only verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with forms that exist only in the third person, and have no imperatives.",
	parents = {{name = "defective verbs"}},
	breadcrumb = "third-person-only",

return {LABELS = labels}