مۆدیوول:category tree/topic cat/data/Plants

"بەڵگەدارکردنی ئەم مۆدیوولە دەکرێ لە مۆدیوول:category tree/topic cat/data/Plants/docدا دروست بکرێ"

local labels = {}

labels["plants"] = {
	type = "type",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"lifeforms"},
	wpcat = true,
	commonscat = "Plantae",

labels["acacias"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants of the [[genus]] ''[[Acacia]]'' in its former sense, including what are now related genera such as ''[[Acaciella]]'', ''[[Senegalia]]'' and ''[[Vachellia]]'' – the [[tribe]] [[Acacieae]] in some classifications",
	parents = {"mimosa subfamily plants"},

labels["acanthus family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[acanthus]]es, [[aphelandra]]s, [[clock vine]], [[Malabar nut]], [[water willow]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Acanthaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants"},

labels["agavoideae subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agave]]s, [[camas]]es, [[soap plant]]s, [[tuberose]]s, [[rush lily|rush lilies]], [[yucca]]s, and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Agavoideae]] of the [[family]] [[Asparagaceae]]",
	parents = {"asparagus family plants", "succulents"},

labels["Aizoaceae family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[family]] [[Aizoaceae]], most of which are [[succulent]]s",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants"},

labels["ajugoideae subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bluecurls]], [[bugle]], [[cat thyme]], [[germander]], [[pagoda flower]], [[wood sage]], and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Ajugoideae]] of the mint family, [[Lamiaceae]]",
	parents = {"mint family plants"},

labels["Alismatales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[anacharis]], [[arrowgrass]]es, [[arrowhead]]s, [[arum]]s, [[burhead]]s, [[eelgrass]]es, [[flowering rush]], [[frogbit]], [[hydrilla]], [[Neptune grass]], [[philodendron]], [[pondweed]]s, [[seagrass]]es, [[taro]], [[velvetleaf]]s, [[water nymph]]s, [[water plantain]]s, [[waterpoppy]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Alismatales]]",
	parents = {"water plants"},

labels["alliums"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[chive]]s, [[garlic]], [[leek]]s, [[onion]]s, [[scallion]]s, [[shallot]]s, and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Allium]]''",
	parents = {"amaryllis family plants", "root vegetables", "spices and herbs"},

labels["amaranth subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[achyranthe]], [[amaranth]], [[celosia]], [[goldenrod tree]], [[love-lies-bleeding]], [[marog]], [[prince's plume]], [[tampala]], [[waterhemp]], and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Amaranthoideae]] of the [[family]] [[Amaranthaceae]]",
	parents = {"amaranths and goosefoots"},

labels["amaranths and goosefoots"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[amaranth]]s, [[beet]]s, [[blite]]s, [[glasswort]]s, [[lamb's quarters]], [[saltbush]]es, [[spinach]] and other plants in the [[family]] [[Amaranthaceae]], including the former family [[Chenopodiaceae]]",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants"},

labels["amaryllis family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[amaryllis]]es, [[daffodil]]s, [[garlic]], [[lily of the Nile]], [[rain lily|rain lilies]], [[snowdrops]], [[spider lily|spider lilies]] and other plants in the [[family]] [[Amaryllidaceae]], including the former family [[Alliaceae]]",
	parents = {"Asparagales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["Anemoneae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[anemone]]s or [[windflower]]s, [[clematis]]es ([[old man's beard]], [[traveller's joy]], [[virgin's bower]], etc.), [[hepatica]]s or [[liverwort]]s, [[pasque flower]]s and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Anemoneae]] of the [[family]] [[Ranunculaceae]]",
	parents = {"buttercup family plants"},

labels["Anthemideae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[camomile]]s, [[chrysanthemum]]s, [[dogfennel]], [[feverfew]], [[lavender cotton]], [[oxeye daisy]], [[marguerite]]s, [[pellitory of Spain]], [[pineapple weed]], [[pyrethrum]], [[sagebrush]]es, [[sneezeweed]], [[sweet maudlin]], [[tansy]], [[wormwood]]s, [[yarrow]]s, and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Anthemideae]] of the [[family]] [[Asteraceae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["Andropogoneae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bluestem]], [[broomsedge]], [[centipede grass]], [[cogon]], [[gama grass]], [[Job's tears]], [[Johnson grass]], [[lemongrass]], [[maize]], [[plume grass]], [[rosha grass]], [[sorghum]], [[sudangrass]], [[sugar cane]], [[susuki grass]], [[vetiver]], and other grasses in the tribe [[Andropogoneae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["Apiales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[anise]], [[apple-berry]], [[aralia]]s, [[carrot]]s, [[celery]], [[cumin]], [[ginseng]], [[hemlock]], [[ivy]], [[parsley]], [[pennywort]]s, [[pittosporum]]s, [[samphire]], [[sea holly]], [[sweet bursaria]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Apiales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "spices and herbs"},

labels["Apieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bishop's-weed]], [[celery]], [[dill]], [[fennel]], [[parsley]] and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Apieae]] of the celery [[family]], [[Apiaceae]]",
	parents = {"celery family plants"},

labels["aralia family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[aralia]]s, [[ginseng]], [[eleuthero]], [[ivy]], [[umbrella tree]], [[parasol tree]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Araliaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["araucarians"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=primitive [[conifer]]s in the [[genus|genera]] ''[[Agathis]]'', ''[[Araucaria]]'' and ''[[Wollemia]]'' in the family [[Araucariaceae]]",
	parents = {"conifers"},

labels["artemisias"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[mugwort]]s, [[sagebrush]]es, [[southernwood]], [[tarragon]], [[wormwood]], and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Artemisia]]''",
	parents = {"Anthemideae tribe plants", "herbs"},

labels["arum family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[arum]]s, [[duckweed]]s, [[Jack-in-the-pulpit]], [[philodendron]]s, [[skunk cabbage]], [[taro]], and other plants in the family [[Araceae]]",
	parents = {"Alismatales order plants"},

labels["Asparagales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agave]]s. [[allium]]s, [[aloe]]s, [[amaryllis]]es, [[asparagus]], [[crocus]]es, [[day lily|day lilies]], [[iris]]es, [[orchid]]s and other plants in the [[order]] [[Asparagales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["asparagus family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agave]]s, [[asparagus]], [[bluebell]]s, [[butcher's broom]], [[dracaena]]s, [[hosta]]s, [[hyacinth]]s, [[lily of the valley]], [[Solomon's seal]]s, [[ti]], [[tuberose]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Asparagaceae]], including those formerly in families such as the [[Agavaceae]], [[Hyacinthaceae]] and [[Ruscaceae]]",
	parents = {"Asparagales order plants", "succulents", "flowers"},

labels["Asterales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[artichoke]]s, [[aster]]s, [[buckbean]]s, [[chamomile]], [[bellflower]]s, [[daisy|daisies]], [[dandelion]]s, [[lobelia]]s, [[sunflower]]s, [[thistle]]s, [[wormwood]]s and many other plants in the [[order]] [[Asterales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Astereae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[aster]]s, [[daisy|daisies]], [[fleabane]]s, [[goldenrod]]s, [[grindelia]]s, [[horseweed]]s, [[Michaelmas daisy]], [[muskwood]], [[rabbitbrush]]es, [[sharewort]], [[stabwort]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Astereae]] of the [[family]] [[Asteraceae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["bamboos"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=grasses in the [[subfamily]] [[Bambusoideae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["barberry family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[barberry|barberrie]]s, [[blue cohosh]], [[mayapple]], [[Oregon grape]]s, [[twinleaf]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Berberidaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ranunculales order plants", "shrubs"},

labels["beech family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beech]]es, [[chestnut]]s, [[oak]]s, and other plants in the family [[Fagaceae]]",
	parents = {"Fagales order plants"},

labels["bignonia family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bignonia]]s, [[Cape honeysuckle]], [[catalpa]]s, [[jacaranda]]s, [[sausage tree]], [[trumpet vine]] and other plants in the family [[Bignoniaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants", "shrubs", "flowers"},

labels["birch family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[birch]]es, [[alder]]s, [[hazel]]s, [[hornbeam]]s and other plants in the family [[Betulaceae]]",
	parents = {"Fagales order plants"},

labels["blueberry tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bilberry|bilberries]], [[blueberry|blueberries]], [[buckberry|buckberries]], [[cranberry|cranberries]], [[huckleberry|huckleberries]], [[lingonberry|lingonberries]], [[ohelo]], [[whortleberry|whortleberries]] and other plants in the [[heather]] [[family]] [[tribe]] [[Vaccinieae]]",
	parents = {"heather family plants", "fruits"},

labels["borage family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alkanet]], [[borage]], [[comfrey]], [[fiddleneck]]s, [[forget-me-not]]s, [[heliotrope]]s, [[honeywort]]s, [[hound's tongue]], [[lungwort]], [[scorpionweed]], [[sebesten]], and other plants in the family [[Boraginaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["brambles"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[blackberry|blackberries]], [[cloudberry|cloudberries]], [[dewberry|dewberries]], [[raspberry|raspberries]], [[thimbleberry|thimbleberries]], and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Rubus]]''",
	parents = {"rose family plants", "berries"},

labels["Brassicales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beachwort]], [[bladderpod]], [[cabbage]]s, [[caper]]s, [[cress]]es, [[meadowfoam]]s, [[mustard]]s, [[nasturtium]]s, [[papaya]]s, [[radish]]es, [[wallflower]]s, [[weld]] and other plants in the [[order]] [[Brassicales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["brassicas"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[cabbage]]s, [[mustard]]s, and other plants in the genus ''[[Brassica]]''",
	parents = {"crucifers"},

labels["bromeliads"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Bromeliaceae]]",
	parents = {"commelinids"},

labels["broomrape family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[broomrape]]s or [[broom rape]]s, [[beechdrops]], [[cow-wheat]], [[eyebright]]s, [[Indian paintbrush]]es, [[lousewort]]s, [[rattle]]s, [[witchweed]]s, and other plants in the family [[Orobanchaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants"},

labels["buckthorn family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[buckthorn]], [[ceanothus]]es, [[chewstick]], [[jujube]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Rhamnaceae]]",
	parents = {"Rosales order plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["buckwheat family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[buckwheat]], [[coral vine]], [[dock]], [[knotweed]], [[rhubarb]], [[sea grape]], [[smartweed]], [[sorrel]] and other plants in the [[family]] [[Polygonaceae]]",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants"},

labels["buttercup family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Ranunculaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ranunculales order plants"},

labels["Buxales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[order]] [[Buxales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["cacti"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants", "succulents"},

labels["caesalpinia subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[brazilwood]], [[carob]], [[honey locust]]s, [[Kentucky coffeetree]], [[logwood]], [[paloverde]]s, [[poinciana]]s, [[redbud]]s, [[senna]]s, [[tamarind]]s, and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Caesalpinioideae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["caltrop family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bean-caper]], [[caltrop]], [[creosote bush]], [[lignum vitae]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Zygophyllaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["Cardamineae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bittercress]], [[dame's rocket]], [[horseradish]], [[lady's smock]], [[toothwort]], [[watercress]], [[wintercress]], and other plants in the [[brassicaceous]] [[tribe]] [[Cardamineae]]",
	parents = {"crucifers"},

labels["carnation family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[baby's breath]], [[campion]]s, [[carnation]]s, [[chickweed]], [[knawel]]s, [[sandwort]]s, [[pink]]s, [[rupturewort]]s, [[soapwort]] and other plants in the [[family]] [[Caryophyllaceae]]",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants"},

labels["carnivorous plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bladderwort]]s, [[butterwort]]s, [[pitcher plant]]s, [[sundew]]s, [[Venus flytrap]]s, and other plants that trap and obtain nutrients from animals",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Caryophyllales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[amaranth]]s, [[buckwheat]], [[cacti]], [[carnation]]s, [[dock]], [[four-o'clock]]s, [[glasswort]], [[goosefoot]]s, [[greasewood]], [[ice plant]]s, [[jojoba]], [[knotweed]]s, [[Malabar spinach]], [[miner's lettuce]], [[plumbago]]s, [[pokeweed]], [[ragged robin]], [[rhubarb]], [[statice]], [[purslane]], [[saltbush]]es, [[spinach]], [[thrift]], [[tamarisk]], [[Venus flytrap]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Caryophyllales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["celery family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[ajwain]], [[anise]], [[arracacha]], [[asafoetida]], [[carrot]]s, [[celery]], [[chuchupate]], [[coriander]], [[cumin]], [[dill]], [[galbanum]], [[hemlock]], [[hogweed]], [[lovage]], [[masterwort]], [[parsley]], [[parsnip]]s, [[samphire]], [[sanicle]]s, [[sea holly]], [[yampah]] and other plants in the [[family]] [[Apiaceae]], also known as the [[Umbelliferae]]",
	parents = {"Apiales order plants"},

labels["Chickpeas"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[chickpea]]s",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Cichorieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[chicory|chicories]], [[dandelion]]s, [[endive]], [[hawkweed]]s, [[lettuce]]s, [[murnong]], [[nipplewort]], [[oxtongue]], [[salsify]], [[sow thistle]]s, [[succory]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Cichorieae]] of the [[family]] [[Asteraceae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["citrus subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[citrus]] and other plants in the subfamily [[Aurantioideae]] of the rue family, [[Rutaceae]]",
	parents = {"rue family plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["club mosses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[family]] [[Lycopodiaceae]]",
	parents = {"spore plants"},

labels["combretum family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[arjuna]], [[bushwillow]]s, [[leadwood]], [[myrobalan]]s, [[Rangoon creeper]], [[tropical almond]], [[white mangrove]],  and other plants in the [[family]] [[Combretaceae]]",
	parents = {"Myrtales order plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["commelinids"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[arrowroot]]s, [[bamboo]]s, [[banana]]s, [[bird of paradise|birds of paradise]], [[bloodwort]]s, [[bromeliad]]s, [[canna]]s, [[cattail]]s, [[ginger]]s, [[grass]]es, [[kangaroo paw]], [[palm]]s, [[reed]]s,  [[rush]]es, [[sedge]]s, [[spiderwort]]s, [[tule]]s, [[water hyacinth]]s, and other plants in the [[commelinid]] [[clade]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["composites"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[artichoke]]s, [[aster]]s, [[chamomile]], [[chrysanthemum]]s, [[daisy|daisies]], [[dandelion]]s, [[marigold]]s, [[sunflower]]s, [[thistle]]s, [[wormwood]]s and many other plants in the [[family]] [[Asteraceae]], also known as the [[Compositae]]",
	parents = {"Asterales order plants"},

labels["conifers"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"gymnosperms", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["Coreopsideae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beggar's ticks]] or [[bur marigold]]s, [[calliopsis]], [[coreopsis]], [[cosmos]], [[cota]], [[dahlia]]s, [[tickseed]]s and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Coreopsideae]] of the daisy family, [[Asteraceae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["Cornales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[assegai]], [[blazing star]], [[bunchberry]], [[cornel]], [[dogwood]]s, [[hydrangea]]s, [[tupelo]]s,  and other plants in the [[order]] [[Cornales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["crucifers"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alyssum]], [[cabbage]]s, [[cress]]es, [[mustard]]s, [[radish]]es, [[rocket]]s, [[stock]]s, [[turnip]]s, [[wallflower]]s and other plants in the [[family]] [[Brassicaceae]] (formerly known as the [[Cruciferae]])",
	parents = {"Brassicales order plants"},

labels["Cucurbitales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[order]] [[Cucurbitales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Cucurbitas"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[marrow]]s, [[pumpkin]]s, [[squash]]es and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Cucurbita]]''",
	parents = {"gourd family plants"},

labels["custard apple family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=trees and shrubs in the [[family]] [[Annonaceae]]",
	parents = {"Magnoliids", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["cypress family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alerce]]s, [[arborvitae]]s, [[bald cypress]]es, [[cryptomeria]]s, [[cunninghamia]]s, [[cypress]]es, [[incense cedar]]s, [[juniper]]s, [[redwood]]s, [[sandarac]]s, and other trees and shrubs in the [[family]] [[Cupressaceae]]",
	parents = {"conifers"},

labels["Cynodonteae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[Bermuda grass]], [[deergrass]], [[goosegrass]], [[finger millet]], [[grama]], [[muhly]], [[saltgrass]], [[scratchgrass]], and other grasses in the [[tribe]] [[Cynodonteae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["Dalbergieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[ambatch]], [[cocuswood]], [[deervetch]], [[padauk]], [[pallisander]], [[peanut]]s, [[pencil flower]]s, [[red sanders]], [[rosewood]]s, [[shola]], [[sissoo]], [[Tahitian chestnut]], [[tipu]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Dalbergieae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Daturas"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Datura]]''",
	parents = {"nightshades", "recreational drugs"},

labels["Detarioideae subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Detarioideae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Dioscoreales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[black bryony]], [[bog asphodel]]s, [[Polynesian arrowroot]], [[unicorn root]], [[yam]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Dioscoreales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["dogbane family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[carrion flower]]s, [[desert rose]], [[dogbane]]s, [[hoodia]], [[hoya]]s, [[milkweed]]s, [[Natal plum]], [[oleander]]s, [[periwinkle]]s, [[plumeria]]s and other plants in the [[family]] [[Apocynaceae]] (including the former family [[Asclepiadaceae]])",
	parents = {"Gentianales order plants"},

labels["dillenia family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[family]] [[Dilleniaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["ebony family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[ebony]], [[black sapote]] and [[persimmon]]s in the [[genus]] ''[[Diospyros]]'', [[guarri]] in the genus ''[[Euclea]]'', and other plants in the family [[Ebenaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ericales order plants"},

labels["ephedras"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Ephedra]]'', the only members of the [[gymnosperm]] [[family]] [[Ephedraceae]]",
	parents = {"gymnosperms"},

labels["Ericales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[arbutus]], [[benjamin]], [[blueberry|blueberries]], [[brazil nut]]s, [[boojum]], [[camellia]]s, [[cobra lily]], [[cyclamen]]s, [[ebony]], [[jewelweed]], [[kiwi fruit]], [[manzanita]]s, [[ocotillo]], [[persimmon]]s, [[phlox]]es, [[pipsissewa]], [[pitcher plant]]s, [[primrose]]s, [[rhododendron]]s, [[sapote]], [[shea]] tree,  [[snowbell]]s, [[summersweet]], [[tea]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Ericales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["eucalypts"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[eucalypt]]s – woody plants with capsule-fruiting bodies belonging to seven closely related genera found across Australasia: ''Eucalyptus'', ''Corymbia'', ''Angophora'', ''Stockwellia'', ''Allosyncarpia'', ''Eucalyptopsis'' and ''Arillastrum''",
	parents = {"Myrtle family plants", "trees"},

labels["Eupatorieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[ageratum]]s, [[blazing star]]s, [[boneset]]s, [[deer's tongue]], [[hempvine]], [[joe-pye weed]], [[stevia]], [[thoroughwort]]s, [[trumpetweed]]s, and other plants in the [[composite]] tribe Eupatorieae",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["evening primrose family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[clarkia]]s, [[enchanter's nightshade]], [[evening primrose]]s, [[fuchsia]]s, [[suncup]]s, [[willowherb]]s and other plants in the [[family]] [[Onagraceae]] (not to be confused with the true [[primrose]]s in the family [[Primulaceae]])",
	parents = {"Myrtales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["Fabales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[order]] [[Fabales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Fabeae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beach pea]]s, [[fava bean]]s, [[lentil]]s, [[pea]]s, [[sweet pea]]s, [[vetch]]es, and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Fabeae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Fagales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alder]]s, [[bayberry|bayberries]], [[beech]]es, [[birch]]es, [[butternut]]s, [[chestnut]]s, [[hazel]]s, [[hickory|hickories]], [[hornbeam]]s, [[oak]]s, [[pecan]]s, [[she-oak]]s, [[sweet gale]], [[walnut]]s, [[wingnut]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Fagales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["ferns"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"spore plants"},

labels["fig trees"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"mulberry family plants", "trees"},

labels["figwort family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[figwort]]s, [[butterfly bush]]es, [[emu bush]]es, [[mudwort]]s, [[mullein]]s, [[myoporum]]s, [[nemesia]]s, and many other plants in the [[family]] [[Scrophulariaceae]], but not including many such as [[foxglove]]s and [[snapdragon]]s that are now in the [[Plantaginaceae]] as well as [[Indian paintbrush]]es and [[lousewort]]s/[[wood betony|wood betonies]], now in the [[Orobanchaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants"},

labels["flowers"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["four o'clock family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bougainvillea]]s, [[cabbagewood]], [[four o'clock]]s, [[mauka]], [[pisonia]]s, [[punarnava]], [[sand verbena]]s, [[spiderling]]s, [[tarvine]]s, [[wishbone bush]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Nyctaginaceae]]",
	parents = {"Caryophyllales order plants"},

labels["Genisteae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[broom]]s, [[furze]]/[[gorse]], [[laburnum]], [[lupine]]s, [[tagasaste]], [[whin]], [[woad-waxen]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Genisteae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Gentianales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the order [[Gentianales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Geraniales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[cranesbill]]s, [[filaree]]s, [[francoa]]s, [[geranium]]s, [[herb Robert]], [[honeybush]], [[pelargonium]]s, [[storksbill]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Geraniales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["ginger family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "= [[cardamom]], [[galangal]], [[ginger]]s, [[grains of paradise]], [[turmeric]], [[zedoary]], and other plants in the family [[Zingiberaceae]]",
	parents = {"Zingiberales order plants", "spices and herbs"},

labels["Gnaphalieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[billy buttons]], [[cudweed]]s, [[everlasting]]s, [[curry plant]], [[pussytoes]], [[strawflower]]s, [[vegetable sheep]] and other plants in the [[composite]] [[tribe]] [[Gnaphalieae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["goosefoot subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[epazote]], [[hopsage]], [[lamb's quarters]], [[orach]], [[quinoa]], [[saltbush]], [[spinach]], [[winterfat]] and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Chenopodioideae]] of the [[family]] [[Amaranthaceae]]",
	parents = {"amaranths and goosefoots"},

labels["gourd family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "= [[cucumber]]s, [[gourd]]s, [[melon]]s, [[squash]]es, and other plants in the family [[Cucurbitaceae]]",
	parents = {"Cucurbitales order plants"},

labels["grape family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[grapevine]]s, [[Boston ivy]], [[Virginia creeper]]. and other plants in the family [[Vitaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["grapevines"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"grape family plants", "wine"},

labels["grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"commelinids"},

labels["groundcherries"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[groundcherry|groundcherries]], [[alkekengi]]s, [[Cape gooseberry|Cape gooseberries]], [[Chinese lantern]]s, [[goldenberry|goldenberries]], [[tomatillo]]s, and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Physalis]]'' and related [[genera]] in the [[nightshade]] [[subtribe]] [[Physalinae]], notable for bearing a [[tomato]]like fruit enclosed in a papery husk.",
	parents = {"nightshades"},

labels["gymnosperms"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=various unrelated groups of [[seed plant]]s other than the [[flowering plant]]s",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["heather family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[heather]]s, [[blueberry|blueberries]], [[rhododendron]]s, [[wintergreen]], and other plants in the family [[Ericaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ericales order plants"},

labels["Heliantheae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[balsamroot]]s, [[brittlebush]], [[burrobrush]], [[cocklebur]]s, [[coneflower]]s, [[echinacea]], [[guayule]], [[Jerusalem artichoke]]s, [[mule's ears]], [[ox-eye daisy|ox-eye daisies]], [[pilotweed]]s, [[ragweed]]s, [[rosinweed]]s, [[sunflower]]s, [[tithonia]]s, [[zinnia]]s and other [[plant]]s in the [[composite]] [[tribe]] [[Heliantheae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["hemp family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[hemp]], [[hops]], [[hackberries]], and other plants in the family [[Cannabaceae]]",
	parents = {"Rosales order plants"},

labels["herbs"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants", "spices and herbs"},

labels["hollies"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["honeysuckle family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[abelia]]s, [[cornsalad]], [[honeysuckle]]s, [[scabious]], [[snowberry|snowberries]], [[spikenard]], [[teasel]]s, [[twinflower]]s, [[valerian]]s, and other plants in the [[family]] [[Caprifoliaceae]], including those in the former families [[Dipsacaceae]], [[Linnaeaceae]], and [[Valerianaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs"},

labels["Hordeeae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[barley]], [[emmer]], [[foxtail barley]], [[goatgrass]], [[lyme grass]], [[medusahead]], [[quackgrass]], [[rye]], [[spelt]], [[squirreltail]], [[wheat]], [[wheatgrass]], [[wild rye]], and other grasses in the [[tribe]] [[Hordeeae]], also known as the [[Triticeae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["horsetails"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[horsetail]]s, [[calamite]]s, and other plants in the [[taxon]] known as the [[subclass]] [[Equisetidae]] or either the [[class]] [[Equisetopsida]] or the class [[Sphenopsida]], depending on the classification system used",
	parents = {"spore plants"},

labels["incense tree family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[abilo]], [[Chinese olive]], [[elephant tree]], [[frankincense]], [[gumbo limbo]], [[myrrh]], [[pili nut]]s, and other plants in the family [[Burseraceae]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["iris family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[crocus]]es, [[freesia]]s, [[gladiolus]]es, [[iris]]es, [[ixia]]s, [[sparaxis]], [[watsonia]]s, and other plants in the family [[Iridaceae]]",
	parents = {"Asparagales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["Lamiales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[acanthus]]es, [[African violet]]s, [[ash]]es, [[betony]], [[brooklime]], [[butterfly bush]], [[catalpa]]s, [[chaste tree]], [[devil's claw]], [[eyebright]], [[foxglove]]s, [[hyssop]]s, [[jasmine]]s, [[lavender]]s, [[lilac]]s, [[lousewort]]s, [[mare's tail]], [[mint]]s, [[monkeyflower]]s, [[mullein]], [[olive]]s, [[oregano]]s, [[plantain]]s, [[privet]]s, [[sage]]s, [[sesame]], [[skullcap]]s, [[snapdragon]]s, [[teak]], [[thyme]]s, [[verbena]]s and other plants in the [[order]] [[Lamiales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["Lamioideae subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bells of Ireland]], [[betony]], [[crosne]], [[deadnettle]], [[hemp-nettle]], [[henbit]], [[horehound]], [[ironwort]], [[Jerusalem sage]], [[lamb's ears]], [[lion's ear]], [[motherwort]], [[mountain tea]], [[obedient plant]], [[patchouli]], and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Lamioideae]] of the mint family, [[Lamiaceae]]",
	parents = {"mint family plants"},

labels["laurel family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Lauraceae]]",
	parents = {"Magnoliids", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["legumes"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Fabaceae]], also known as the [[Leguminosae]]",
	parents = {"Fabales order plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["Liliales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beargrass]], [[death camas]], [[false hellebore]], [[greenbrier]], [[herb Paris]], [[lily|lilies]], [[meadow saffron]], [[supplejack]], [[sarsparilla]], [[trillium]]s, [[tulip]]s, [[turkey's beard]], and other plants, in the [[order]] [[Liliales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["lily family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Liliaceae]]",
	parents = {"Liliales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["madder family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bedstraw]], [[cinchona]], [[coffee]], [[gardenia]]s, [[ipecacuanha]], [[madder]], [[noni]], [[woodruff]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Rubiaceae]]",
	parents = {"Gentianales order plants", "shrubs"},

-- FIXME, should be lowercase.
labels["Magnoliids"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[allspice]], [[avocado]]s, [[black pepper]], [[champac]], [[cinnamon]], [[custard apple]]s, [[kava]], [[laurel]]s, [[magnolia]]s, [[nutmeg]], [[pipevine]]s, [[sassafras]]es, [[sweetshrub]]s, [[star anise]], [[tulip tree]], [[Winter's bark]], [[yerba mansa]], [[ylang-ylang]], and other plants in the [[Magnoliids]] [[clade]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["mahogany family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[chinaberry]], [[langsat]], [[mahogany]], [[neem]], [[Spanish cedar]]s, [[toon]], [[santol]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Meliaceae]]",
	parents = {"trees", "shrubs"},

labels["maize (plant)"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[maize]] (''[[Zea mays]]'') as a plant, and for its various types",
	additional = "For maize as a crop, see [[:Category:Maize (crop)]] and for maize as a food, see [[:Category:Maize (food)]].",
	parents = {"Andropogoneae tribe grasses", "grains"},

labels["mallows"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[abelmosk]], [[cotton]], [[hibiscus]]es, [[hollyhock]]s, [[mallow]]s, [[okra]], and other plants in the traditional [[family]] [[Malvaceae]], which is now considered to be the [[subfamily]] [[Malvoideae]] with the current [[Malvaceae]]",
	parents = {"mallow family plants"},

labels["mallow family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[balsa]], [[cacao]], [[cotton]], [[durian]]s, [[jute]], [[kola]]s, [[kurrajong]]s, [[hibiscus]]es, [[linden]]s, [[mallow]]s, [[peanut tree]]s, [[phalsa]], [[silk-cotton tree]]s, and other plants in the current [[family]]  [[Malvaceae]], including a number of former families such as the [[Bombacaceae]], [[Sterculiaceae]], and the [[Tiliaceae]]",
	parents = {"Malvales order plants", "shrubs"},

labels["mallow subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[abelmosk]], [[cotton]], [[hibiscus]]es, [[hollyhock]]s, [[mallow]]s, [[okra]], and other plants in the traditional [[family]] [[Malvaceae]], which is now considered to be the [[subfamily]] [[Malvoideae]] within the current [[Malvaceae]]",
	parents = {"mallow family plants"},

labels["Malpighiales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the order [[Malpighiales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Malvales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agalloch]], [[annatto]], [[balsa]], [[cacao]], [[cotton]], [[daphne]]s, [[durian]]s, [[jute]], [[hibiscus]]es, [[linden]]s, [[mallow]]s, [[rockrose]]s, [[sal]], [[silk-cotton tree]]s, [[tie bush]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Malvales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["maples"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"soapberry family plants", "trees"},

labels["Menthinae subtribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[American pennyroyal]], [[basil thyme]], [[bee balm]], [[calamint]], [[horsemint]], [[mint]]s, [[marjoram]], [[mountain mint]], [[oregano]], [[savory|savories]], [[thyme]]s and other plants in the [[subtribe]] [[Menthinae]] of the mint family, [[Lamiaceae]]",
	parents = {"mint family plants", "spices and herbs"},

labels["mimosa subfamily plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[acacia]]s, [[ice-cream bean]]s, [[mesquite]]s, [[mimosa]]s, [[rain tree]]s, and other plants in the [[subfamily]] [[Mimosoideae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]], which has been reclassified as a [[clade]] within the [[subfamily]] [[Caesalpinioideae]]",
	parents = {"legumes", "caesalpinia subfamily plants"},

labels["mint family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[balms]], [[basil]]s, [[betony]], [[coleus]]es, [[deadnettle]]s, [[ground ivy]], [[hyssop]]s, [[lavender]]s, [[mint]]s, [[oregano]]s, [[patchouli]], [[perilla]], [[sage]]s, [[savory|savories]], [[selfheal]], [[skullcap]]s, [[thyme]]s, and other plants in the [[family]] [[Lamiaceae]], also known as the [[Labiatae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants", "spices and herbs"},

labels["mints"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=the true [[mint]]s, plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Mentha]]''",
	parents = {"mint family plants", "Menthinae subtribe plants"},

labels["morning glory family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bindweed]]s, [[dichondra]], [[dodder]], [[morning glory|morning glories]], [[sweet potato|sweet potatoes]], [[wood rose]]s and other plants in the [[family]] [[Convolvulaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["moschatel family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[elderberry|elderberries]], [[moschatel]], [[viburnum]]s, and other plants in the [[family]] [[Adoxaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["mosses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=true [[moss]]es, plants in the [[division]] [[Bryophyta]] (excluding [[hornwort]]s and [[liverwort]]s), which doesn't include [[lichen]]s, [[club moss]]es, [[spike moss]]es, [[algae]], or mossy [[flowering plant]]s such as [[Irish moss]], or [[Spanish moss]]",
	parents = {"spore plants", "bryology"},

labels["mulberry family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[mulberry|mulberries]], [[breadfruit]], [[fig]]s and other trees in the family [[Moraceae]]",
	parents = {"Rosales order plants", "trees"},

labels["Myrtales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[allspice]], [[arjuna]], [[bottlebrush]], [[clove]]s, [[eucalyptus]]es, [[evening primrose]]s, [[guava]]s, [[henna]], [[leadwood]], [[lilly-pilly]], [[loosestrife]]s, [[myrobalan]]s, [[myrtle]]s, [[pomegranate]]s, [[quaruba]], [[Rangoon creeper]], [[rose apple]]s, [[tea tree]], [[tropical almond]]s, [[water caltrop]]s, [[white mangrove]]s, [[willowherb]]s, and other plants, shrubs and trees in the [[order]] [[Myrtales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["myrtle family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[family]] [[Myrtaceae]]",
	parents = {"Myrtales order plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["Nepetinae subtribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[anise hyssop]], [[catnip]], [[dragonhead]], [[ground-ivy]], [[hyssop]], [[Korean mint]], [[licorice mint]], and other plants in the [[subtribe]] [[Nepetinae]] of the mint family, [[Lamiaceae]]",
	parents = {"mint family plants"},

labels["nettle family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[baby's tears]], [[clearweed]], [[nettle]]s, [[ramie]], and other plants in the [[family]] [[Urticaceae]]",
	parents = {"Rosales order plants"},

labels["nightshades"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[ashwagandha]], [[black nightshade]], [[boxthorn]]s, [[datura]]s, [[deadly nightshade]], [[eggplant]]s, [[goji]], [[henbane]], [[mandrake]], [[matrimony vine]], [[pepper]]s, [[petunia]]s, [[potato]]es, [[tobacco]], [[tomatillo]]s, [[tomato]]es and other plants in the family [[Solanaceae]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Nymphaeales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[fanwort]]s, [[foxnut]]s, [[spatterdock]]s, [[water lily|water lilies]], [[water-shield]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Nymphaeales]]",
	parents = {"water plants"},

labels["oaks"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[oak]]s.\n\nMany languages recognize two main types: those with flat, [[deciduous]] leaves, and those with curled, often prickly, [[evergreen]] leaves (live oaks)",
	parents = {"beech family plants", "trees"},

labels["olive family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[olive]]s, [[ash]]es, [[jasmine]]s, [[lilac]]s, [[privet]]s and other plants in the family [[Oleaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants"},

labels["orchids"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[family]] [[Orchidaceae]]",
	parents = {"Asparagales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["Oryzeae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[cutgrass]], [[rice]], [[wild rice]], and other grasses in the tribe [[Oryzeae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["Oxalidales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bilimbi]], [[coachwood]], [[cudgerie]], [[makomako]], [[quandong]], [[rudraksha]], [[star fruit]],  [[wood sorrel]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Oxalidales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees"},

labels["palm trees"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[palm]]s",
	parents = {"commelinids", "trees"},

labels["Pandanales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[kiekie]], [[Panama hat palm]], [[pandanus]], [[stemona]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Pandanales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees"},

labels["Paniceae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[burgrass]], [[basketgrass]], [[bristlegrass]]es, [[buffelgrass]], [[common millet]], [[crabgrass]], [[elephant grass]], [[foxtail millet]], [[fountaingrass]], [[Kikuyu grass]], [[Napier grass]], [[panicgrass]], [[Pará grass]], [[pigeongrass]], [[sandbur]], [[spinifex]], [[switchgrass]], [[watergrass]], and other grasses in the tribe [[Paniceae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["passion vine family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[barbadine]]s, [[damiana]], [[granadilla]]s, [[maracock]]s, [[maypop]]s, [[passionflower]]s, [[water lemon]]s, and other plants in the [[family]] [[Passifloraceae]]",
	parents = {"Malpighiales order plants"},

labels["peppers"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[aji]]s, [[chile]]s, [[pimiento]]s, [[sweet pepper]]s, and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Capsicum]]''",
	parents = {"nightshades", "vegetables", "spices and herbs"},

labels["Phaseoleae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[azuki bean]]s, [[catjang]]s, [[Bambara groundnut]]s, [[Calabar bean]]s, [[coral tree]]s, [[green bean]]s, [[groundnut]]s, [[hyacinth bean]]s, [[jicama]], [[kidney bean]]s, [[kudzu]], [[mung bean]]s, [[pigeon pea]]s, [[runner bean]]s, [[snailflower]], [[soybean]]s, [[tepary]], [[winged bean]]s, [[yardlong bean]]s and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Phaseoleae]] of the [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Phaseolus beans"] = {
	type = "set",
	displaytitle = "''Phaseolus'' beans",
	description = "=plants in the [[New World]] [[legume]] [[genus]] ''[[Phaseolus]]''",
	parents = {"Phaseoleae tribe plants", "vegetables"},

labels["pines"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"conifers"},

labels["Piperales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[betel pepper]], [[black pepper]], [[cubeb]], [[hoja santa]], [[kava]], [[lizard tail]], [[long pepper]], [[pipevine]], [[radiator plant]], [[wild ginger]], [[yerba mansa]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Piperales]]",
	parents = {"Magnoliids"},

labels["plantain family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bacopa]]s, [[brooklime]], [[foxglove]]s, [[mare's tail]], [[penstemon]]s, [[plantain]]s, [[snapdragon]]s, and many other plants in the [[family]] [[Plantaginaceae]], including many formerly included in the [[Scrophulariaceae]] and the [[Hippuridaceae]]",
	parents = {"Lamiales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["podocarpus family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=conifers in the family [[Podocarpaceae]]",
	parents = {"conifers"},

labels["Poeae tribe grasses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[beachgrass]], [[bentgrass]], [[bluegrass]], [[canary grass]], [[darnel]], [[fescue]], [[goldseed]],  [[hair grass]], [[marram]], [[muttongrass]], [[nitgrass]], [[oat]]s, [[ribbongrass]], [[sweetgrass]], [[timothy]], and other grasses in the [[tribe]] [[Poeae]], including the former tribe [[Aveneae]]",
	parents = {"grasses"},

labels["polynesian canoe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[Polynesian]] [[canoe plant]]s, plants which the Polynesians are believed to have spread between islands before European contact",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["pome fruits"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[apple]]s, [[hawthorn]]s, [[pear]]s, [[quince]]s, [[serviceberry|serviceberries]] and other plants in [[subtribe]] [[Malinae]] of the family [[Rosaceae]]",
	parents = {"rose family plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["poppies"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bleeding heart]], [[bloodroot]], [[celandine]], [[fumitory]], [[poppy|poppies]], and other plants in the family [[Papaveraceae]]",
	parents = {"Ranunculales order plants"},

labels["primrose family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[brookweed]], [[cyclamen]]s, [[marlberry]], [[pimpernel]]s, [[primrose]]s, [[shooting star]]s, [[snowbell]]s, [[starflower]]s and other plants in the family [[Primulaceae]], including the former [[family]] [[Myrsinaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ericales order plants", "flowers"},

labels["proteales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[banksia]]s, [[grevillea]]s, [[hakea]]s, [[lotus]]es, [[macadamia]]s, [[plane]] trees, [[protea]]s, [[silk oak]]s, [[waratah]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Proteales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["Prunus genus plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	displaytitle = "''Prunus'' genus plants",
	description = "=[[almond]]s, [[apricot]]s, [[cherry|cherries]], [[peach]]es, [[plum]]s and other plants in the genus ''[[Prunus]]''",
	parents = {"rose family plants", "stone fruits"},

labels["radishes"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"crucifers", "vegetables"},

labels["Ranunculales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[akebia]], [[barberry|barberries]], [[buttercup]]s, [[calumba]], [[moonseed]]s, [[poppy|poppies]], [[serendipity berry]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Ranunculales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Rosales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agrimony]], [[almond]]s, [[apple]]s, [[baby's tears]], [[blackberry|blackberries]], [[breadfruit]], [[buffaloberry|buffaloberries]], [[buckthorn]]s, [[cherry|cherries]], [[elm]]s, [[fig]]s, [[hackberries]], [[hemp]], [[hop]]s, [[jujube]]s, [[mulberry|mulberries]], [[nettle]]s, [[oleaster]]s, [[Osage orange]], [[pilea]]s, [[plum]]s, [[rose]]s, [[spirea]]s, [[strawberry|strawberries]], [[zelkova]]s, and many other plants, trees and shrubs in the [[order]] [[Rosales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["rose family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[agrimony]], [[almond]]s, [[apple]]s, [[blackberry|blackberries]], [[cherry|cherries]], [[cinquefoil]]s, [[hawthorn]]s, [[meadowsweet]], [[rose]]s, [[strawberry|strawberries]], and many other plants, trees and shrubs in the family [[Rosaceae]]",
	parents = {"Rosales order plants"},

labels["roses"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"rose family plants", "flowers"},

labels["rue family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[Amur cork tree]], [[boronia]]s, [[breath of heaven]], [[buchu]], [[citrus]]es, [[hoptree]], [[jaborandi]], [[prickly ash]]es, [[rue]], [[satinwood]]s, [[Sichuan pepper]], [[torchwood]]s, [[white sapote]]s and other plants in the [[family]] [[Rutaceae]]",
	parents = {"Sapindales order plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["rushes"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Juncaceae]]",
	parents = {"commelinids", "water plants"},

labels["sages"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Salvia]]'' (not to be confused with [[sagebrush]])",
	parents = {"mint family plants", "herbs"},

labels["Santalales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[mistletoe]]s, [[quandong]], [[sandalwood]]s, and other plants in the [[order]] [[Santalales]]",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["Sapindales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[cashew]]s, [[Chinese olive]]s, [[chinaberry]], [[citrus]]es, [[frankincense]], [[jaborandi]], [[lychee]]s, [[mahogany]], [[mango]]s, [[maple]]s, [[myrrh]], [[neem]], [[pistachio]]s, [[poison ivy]], [[quassia]], [[rambutan]], [[rue]], [[Sichuan pepper]], [[soapberry]], [[sumac]]s, [[tamarind]], [[tree of heaven]], and many other plants, trees and shrubs in the [[order]] [[Sapindales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["sapote family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=trees and shrubs in the family [[Sapotaceae]]",
	parents = {"Ericales order plants"},

labels["Saxifragales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alumroot]]s, [[astilbe]]s, [[currant]]s, [[foamflower]]s, [[gooseberry|gooseberries]], [[Indian rhubarb]], [[katsura]], [[London pride]], [[miterwort]]s, [[peony|peonies]], [[rockfoil]]s, [[saxifrage]]s, [[stonecrop]]s, [[sweet gum]]s, [[watermilfoil]]s, [[witch hazel]]s, [[youth-on-age]], and other plants in the [[order]] [[Saxifragales]]",
	parents = {"plants", "trees", "shrubs", "succulents"},

labels["Scandiceae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[asafoetida]], [[carrot]]s, [[chervil]], [[cicely]], [[cumin]], [[lady's comb]], [[laserwort]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Scandiceae]] of the celery [[family]], [[Apiaceae]]",
	parents = {"celery family plants"},

labels["sedges"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Cyperaceae]]",
	parents = {"commelinids"},

labels["Selineae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[angelica]], [[arracacha]], [[biscuitroot]], [[dog parsley]], [[dong quai]], [[hog fennel]], [[masterwort]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Selineae]] of the celery [[family]], [[Apiaceae]]",
	parents = {"celery family plants"},

labels["Senecioneae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[butterbur]]s, [[cineraria]]s, [[coltsfoot]]s, [[dusty miller]], [[groundsel]]s, [[leopardsbane]], [[ragwort]]s, [[string of pearls]], and other plants in the [[composite]] tribe [[Senecioneae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["shrubs"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants"},
	wpcat = true,
	commonscat = true,

labels["soapberry family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Sapindaceae]]",
	parents = {"Sapindales order plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["solanums"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bittersweet]], [[black nightshade]] [[buffalo bur]], [[eggplant]]s, [[Jerusalem cherry]], [[kangaroo apple]], [[pepino melon]], [[potato]]es, [[tamarillo]], [[tomato]]es, [[wonderberry]] and other plants in the [[genus]] ''[[Solanum]]''",
	parents = {"nightshades", "vegetables"},

labels["spore plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=a number of unrelated true plants that reproduce by [[spore]]s, such as [[moss]]es, [[liverwort]]s, [[horsetail]]s and [[fern]]s, formerly classified as [[cryptogam]]s",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["spurges"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[candlenut]]s, [[cassava]], [[castor bean]]s, [[croton]]s, [[poinsettia]]s, [[rubber tree]]s, [[spurge]]s, [[tallow tree]]s, and other plants in the [[family]] [[Euphorbiaceae]]",
	parents = {"Malpighiales order plants"},

labels["staff vine family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[bittersweet]], [[burning bush]], [[candlewood]], [[grass of Parnassus]], [[khat]], [[mayten]], [[paxistima]]s, [[spindle tree]]s, [[staff vine]]s, [[thunder god vine]], [[wahoo]], and other plants in the family [[Celastraceae]]",
	parents = {"plants", "shrubs"},

labels["stone fruits"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[fruit#Noun|fruit]] which are [[drupe]]s (having a [[fleshy]] portion surrounding a hard [[pit#Noun|pit]] or [[stone#Noun|stone]] containing a [[seed#Noun|seed]]). Plants that produce drupes include [[cashew]], [[coffee]], [[jujube]], [[mango]], [[olive]], most [[palm#Noun|palms]] (including [[açaí]], [[coconut]], [[date#Noun|date]], [[oil palm]]s, and [[sabal]]), [[pistachio]], and all members of the [[genus]] ''[[Prunus]]'' (including the [[almond]], [[apricot]], [[cherry]], [[damson]], [[nectarine]], [[peach]], and [[plum#Noun|plum]])",
	parents = {"fruits", "shrubs", "trees"},

labels["stonecrop family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[succulent]]s in the family [[Crassulaceae]]",
	parents = {"Saxifragales order plants", "succulents"},

labels["succulents"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants with thickened, fleshy leaves or stems for storing water",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["sumac family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[sumac]]s, [[cashew]]s, [[pistachio]]s, [[poison ivy]] and other plants in the family [[Anacardiaceae]]",
	parents = {"Sapindales order plants", "trees", "shrubs"},

labels["thistles"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[artichoke]]s, [[burdock]]s, [[cardoon]]s, [[costus]], [[knapweed]]s, [[safflower]], [[sawwort]], [[thistle]]s and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Cynareae]] (also known as the [[Cardueae]]) of the [[family]] [[Asteraceae]]",
	parents = {"composites"},

labels["tomatoes"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the cultivated [[species]] ''[[Solanum lycopersicum]]'' and its wild relative, ''[[Solanum pimpinellifolium]]''",
	parents = {"nightshades", "solanums", "vegetables"},

labels["trees"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants"},
	wpcat = true,
	commonscat = true,

labels["Trifolieae tribe plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[alfalfa]], [[alsike]], [[burclover]], [[clover]], [[fenugreek]], [[medick]], [[melilot]], [[restharrow]], and other plants in the [[tribe]] [[Trifolieae]] of the  [[family]] [[Fabaceae]]",
	parents = {"legumes"},

labels["Vigna beans"] = {
	type = "set",
	displaytitle = "''Vigna'' beans",
	description = "=plants in the Asian [[legume]] [[genus]] ''[[Vigna]]'', including [[black-eyed pea]]s, [[Bambara groundnut]]s and what are variously called [[bean]]s, [[dal]]s or [[gram]]s",
	parents = {"Phaseoleae tribe plants", "vegetables"},

labels["violet family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[Johnny-jump-up]]s, [[mahoe]], [[pansy|pansies]], [[viola]]s, [[violet]]s, [[whiteywood]] and other plants in the family [[Violaceae]]",
	parents = {"Malpighiales order plants"},

labels["walnut family plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[walnut]]s, [[butternut]]s, [[hickory|hickories]], [[pecan]]s, and other trees in the family [[Juglandaceae]]",
	parents = {"trees", "nuts"},

labels["water plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"plants"},

labels["willows and poplars"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=plants in the family [[Salicaceae]]",
	parents = {"Malpighiales order plants", "trees"},

labels["Zingiberales order plants"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=[[arrowroot]], [[banana]]s, [[bird of paradise|birds of paradise]], [[canna]]s, [[ginger]]s, [[prayer plant]],  and other plants in the [[order]] [[Zingiberales]]",
	parents = {"commelinids"},

return labels